Baby Alive Wets And Wiggles Bottle

Let her drink water or use the included juice mix as a special treat.
Baby alive wets and wiggles bottle. Let her drink water or use the included juice mix as a special treat. She even kicks and giggles when you play with her so you ll know when she s happy. Crawling baby alive go bye bye doll. Let her drink her juice then wait a couple minutes.
When baby begins to cry and squirm it is time to change her diaper. Once she is changed and it s time for a nap girls squeeze her baby bracelet to hear her coo and babble. Welcome to amy sanchez channel thanks guys for visiting bella and i we love our subscribers and hearing from. The baby alive wets n wiggles doll needs a loving mommy to feed and change her.
This adorable baby doll drinks from her bottle and then lets you change her wet diaper. Watch out for surprises as baby alive likes to get mommy wet. Wets n wiggles doll. Baby alive wets wiggles drinks and wets just like a real baby.
This adorable baby doll drinks from her bottle and then lets you change her wet diaper. She even kicks and giggles when you play with her so you ll know when she s happy. Feeding baby alive wets wiggles brooke a bottle of milk.